Press Releases



 Arkansas Research Alliance

Impact GrantS 3.0



The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) issues this request for proposals (RFP) for the ARA Impact Grant Program 3.0. This funding opportunity will award competitive grants up to $75,000 for 12-month scientific and engineering research projects that involve universities and industries in Arkansas and that support one or more of the seven growth opportunity areas profiled in ARA’s report, Enabling an Innovation-Led Future for Arkansas: University Research Competencies Aligned with Innovation Growth Opportunities (August 2024). The growth opportunity areas include:

  • Population Health Innovations & Clinical Research
  • Power Electronics, Advanced Packaging, & Grid Management Systems
  • Next Generation Transportation & Logistics Systems
  • Materials Engineering Applications
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Food Production & Integrative Health
  • Supply Chain, Retail, & Consumer Analytics.

These seven areas represent key opportunities where Arkansas is uniquely positioned to lead in innovation-driven market growth, supporting the state’s established industries while advancing emerging sectors critical to the future economy.

The growth opportunities are largely informed and supported by six broad-based, cross-cutting research themes where Arkansas has demonstrated a critical mass of excellence in core competencies. Critical mass is defined in the report as leading performance on key indicators of academy research activity and investment and presence of supporting assets. These research capabilities can be summarized as:

  • Data Science and Machine Learning Applications
  • Cyber-Physical Systems and Security
  • Electrical and Industrial Engineering
  • Materials Sciences
  • Clinical and Translational Research.

Note that cross-cutting research competencies (e.g., data science) are eligible for funding and should include a narrative on how they intersect with a listed growth opportunity area.

This economic development program aims to amplify the impact of Arkansas’ research capabilities by addressing the evolving innovation needs of in-state industries. The awarded grants will empower scientific discovery, drive engineering advancements, and promote translational research that directly contributes to industry-focused solutions and applications.

Industry Engagement

ARA Impact Grants 3.0 awards are intended to fund projects that support and entail industry engagement. Projects should conduct commercially-oriented or market-driven proof-of-concept activities, prototype development, or data generation specifically requested by a prospective investor or industry licensee/research sponsor or partner. Additionally, they should include “reduction to practice” or “use-inspired” efforts to transition novel ideas into testable prototypes or demonstration projects ideally focused on customer- and/or industry partner-identified problems. Projects should be developed with an eye toward or an intent to pursue future extramural funding that will accelerate progress toward larger research grants and/or foster deeper collaboration and partnership with industry.

Period of Performance

The program will invest in 12-month projects with a target start date of 01/27/2025 and end date of 01/26/2026.\

Funding Structure: Award Amount, Matching Requirements, and Indirect Cost Policy

  • Impact Grants 3.0 are capped at a total project cost of $75,000.
  • There is a match requirement of 20% of total project cost.
  • For example, a $75,000 project budget would receive $60,000 from ARA and include a match of $15,000.
  • The match can be provided by the host institution, an Arkansas-based private sector partner, or a combination of both. Preference will be given to projects with some level of match from industry.
  • Matching over 20% is allowed and the additional match can cause the total project cost to exceed the project cap of $75,000 with prior approval from both ARA and the host institution.
  • These grants are for one year and no indirect costs are allowed.


Historically, this program has been available only to ARA Academy members. For the first time, this program is available to any investigator at an ARA-partner institution, including:

  • Arkansas State University (Jonesboro)
  • University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
  • University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.

Projects may include investigators from any Arkansas institution. However, the lead PI must be from one of the above-listed institutions. No out-of-state investigators will be supported. Where appropriate, projects are encouraged to include representatives, services, and/or instrumentation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR). Federal employees may not receive direct funding.

Submittal Process and Due Date

Interested investigators at ARA-partner institutions may review the guidelines in this request for proposals (RFP) and submit the required proposal through their office of research and sponsored programs to Douglas Hutchings via e-mail ([email protected]) no later than 11:59 p.m. Central Time on December 20th, 2025.

 Impact and Outcomes

The primary intent of ARA Impact Grants 3.0 is for the funded projects to have very specific impacts and defined outcomes. For each individual outcome performance measure, the proposal must specify:

  1. Who is the investigator that will complete the targeted outcome(s) and identify the Arkansas company with which this collaboration is targeted?

Note: Lead Principal Investigator (PI) and all Co-PIs (if applicable) must be identified.

  1. What is the expected outcome(s) (specify/quantify how much, meaning an indication of the size, extent, or number of what is to be achieved)?
  2. When will the output(s) or outcome(s) be achieved (must be within one year)
  3. How will it be known or demonstrated that the output(s) or outcome(s) was achieved?


Selection Criteria

Approved grants will be selected based strictly on written proposals. Project selection is coordinated through an external review process. The following criteria will be used to assess and select projects for funding:

  • Are the proposal and project outcomes clearly described and are the proposed actions feasible within 12 months and within the budget specified?
  • Does the proposal clearly address the intended purpose of the grant program?
  • Is it demonstrated that the funds will be used as efficiently as possible? Requests for salary or equipment will need to be accompanied by a strong justification.
  • Identify the entity or entities that will provide the cash match. Please identify the source and amount. Preference will be given to projects with some level of match from industry.
  • Has the Arkansas Core Facilities Exchange been consulted for any requested equipment? Please refer to the Budget section, item 8.c, below for more details.
  • Are the activities described within the qualifications and capabilities of the organization(s) and individuals (PI/Co-PIs) involved? Preference will be given to projects involving more than one Arkansas institution.

Proposal Instructions

ARA Academy applicants are asked to prepare a proposal that addresses each of the following sections/headings:

  1. Short Title
  2. Key Partners: Name any research institutions and private sector partners involved.
  3. Problem/Opportunity Statement: Clearly define in laymen’s terms.
  4. Approach: Describe the project and/or actions that will be taken to overcome and/or address the problem/opportunity.
  5. Team Composition: Describe the roles and responsibilities of each project team member.
  6. Expected Outcome(s) and Impact of the Results: Define and quantify the outcome(s) and the anticipated impact that will result from the proposed approach.
  7. Industry Engagement: Identify the private sector, industry partner/customer/investor.
    • A letter of collaboration from industry is required.
    • A discussion of plans to advance the work beyond the proposed project along with resources available is required. Please identify potential future extramural funding source/program, estimated award amount, and project length.
  8. Budget: Applicants are required to use the ARA Budget Template and Guidance document to provide a budget that addresses how the funds will be utilized, including:
    1. Personnel (e.g., salary including academic year course release[i], benefits, honorarium, other); All personnel must be in place within 30-days of the start of the award
    2. Direct Expenses (e.g., travel, meetings/events, fees, printing/publications, supplies, other)
    3. Equipment: if special instrumentation or equipment is needed for the project, please check the Arkansas Core Facilities Exchange for opportunities to leverage existing assets. ARA can help facilitate access where needed. If the equipment is not already present or if it is unavailable in the state, provide a justification for the need and plans for the equipment post-award.
    4. Subawards (e.g. consultants)
    5. In-kind services, if applicable. These types of services/funds are not required and do not count toward the matching requirements.


Proposal Length:                   3 pages, not including cover letter and budget (maximum total, single spaced; double-space between sections 1-5 described above). Please include a single-page cover letter. It does not count toward the length limit and will provide information such as the project title, the proposer organization, the private sector partner, the technical point of contact, the administrative point of contact, the principal investigator, the name of the grant and the topical area of the proposal.

Proposal Format:              Aptos, 12 pt. Font; 1” left, right, top and bottom margins or equivalent to ensure no more than six lines of text within a vertical space of one inch.

Budget:                                        Use the ARA Budget Template and Guidance document.

Submission Format:      Save and send as a PDF document (e-mail attachment).

Submission Protocol:   Proposals must be reviewed and approved by the PI’s host university’s chief research officer and processed through the host university’s office of research and sponsored programs.

Submit Proposal to:       Douglas Hutchings, Academy Director, ARA

                                                                        E-mail: [email protected]

Submission Deadline: 11:59 p.m. Central Time, December 20th, 2024.


October 14, 2024                 Issue RFP announcement electronically

November 6, 2024              Informational Webinar – Purpose, Process, and Q&A

December 20, 2024           Applications due to ARA

January 10, 2025                  Evaluation by external review completed

January 17, 2025                  Award letters issued and transfer of funds; period of performance starts with date on award letter

March 1, 2026                         End of period of performance

April 1, 2026                             Final Report due to ARA


Approved grantees will be issued an award letter that will need to be signed by the PI, any Co-PIs, and the appropriate authorizing individual from the PI’s University and returned to ARA. This fully executed letter will constitute the official Award Agreement. Upon receipt of fully executed letter, ARA will transfer funds to the University Vice Chancellor or Vice Provost of Research (or other authorized/designated office) of the Lead PI for distribution to the Project Team as designated in the grant proposal. No indirect expenses from the PI’s (grantee’s) or Co-PI’s university will be allowed.

Dissemination of Award Results

ARA Impact Grants 3.0 are expressly designed to generate meaningful outcomes for awardees. To encourage meaningful dissemination of project results, awardees are required to 1) present their study results to a stakeholder group and 2) develop an infographic in lay language that will be shared with lay audiences and community stakeholders. ARA will work with all awardees to ensure access to appropriate tools and venues based on their individual project objectives.


Proposals must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate university administrator and processed through the university office of research and sponsored programs. Once selected, grantees will work directly with ARA, the grant administrator. Funds are planned to be available to successful grantees in February 2025. ARA will arrange periodic, in-person, status updates with the Lead PI. A comprehensive, Final Report will be due 30 days after the end of the established period of performance; it must include a specific statement relative to milestones and impact of the funded project; and, must be submitted directly to [email protected]  (following formatting guidelines/instructions for proposals on pages 3 and 4).


If the project cannot continue for any reason, as determined by ARA, the grant will terminate. For example, if the principal investigator leaves the member institution during the grant period, the grant will terminate. The university will return any unspent portion of ARA funds to ARA. 


Questions regarding the ARA Impact Grants proposal process and/or guidelines should be directed to Douglas Hutchings via e-mail [email protected] or by telephone (501)-339-1110.

[i] Funds cannot be a direct salary supplement to any investigator above their current salary amount. Salary coverage may buy time from teaching a course to spend time on the ARA Impact Grant 3.0 project and allow the university to hire or support an adjunct to teach the course “given up” by the investigator.

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Kyle Quinn Receives Lawrence E. Cornett PhD Award

The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) announced Dr. Kyle Quinn as the recipient of the Lawrence E. Cornett PhD Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research. This annual accolade is bestowed upon individuals who have made, or are positioned to make, significant strides in amplifying the impact of biomedical research across Arkansas.

“This year’s awardee sets a high bar and is positioned to have an out-sized impact on the Arkansas biosciences research landscape,” said Bryan Barnhouse, ARA President and CEO. “Dr. Quinn is deserving of recognition for both current efforts and the ability to have a lasting impression the state as his career continues to grow.”

Dr. Kyle Quinn’s work in multiphoton microscopy, cell metabolism, wound healing, biomechanics, and aging has not only advanced the field of biomedical engineering but has also garnered international recognition with over 3,650 citations. He has demonstrated the potential to make significant contributions to the state’s biomedical research.

The Lawrence E. Cornett PhD Award honors Dr. Cornett, an esteemed researcher and administrative leader from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and his commitment to expanding biomedical research opportunities in Arkansas. Dr. Quinn’s achievements resonate with this spirit, showcasing a dedication to research that has far- reaching implications for the biomedical community both locally and globally.

Eligibility for this prestigious award is reserved for research-focused faculty at institutions in Arkansas who have made or are positioned to make, outstanding contributions to advance biomedical research either at their local institutions or statewide.

For More Information:

Jeremy Harper, 501-747-3973 [email protected]


ARA, operating as a public-private partnership, is dedicated to the fundamental belief that “Research Matters.” By recognizing Dr. Quinn’s potential, the ARA underscores its commitment to stimulating innovation, encouraging collaboration, and strengthening economic opportunities in the realm of biomedical research.

The award ceremony took place at the Arkansas INBRE Fall Conference on November 3rd and 4th. For more details about the Lawrence E. Cornett PhD Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research, please visit

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ARA Academy Member Research Generates $1.3 Billion in Economic Impact for Arkansas


Talk Business:

Arkansas Business:

Arkansas Business, Laura Farrar:

Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Andrew Moreau:


New report reveals the economic drivers that science and discovery are for the State of Arkansas

Little Rock AR, October 2023 – A new report prepared by TEConomy Partners for the Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) revealed the tangible value that fostering science and research provides to the Natural State. The report, titled Competing for Arkansas’ Future: The Economic and Functional Impacts of the Arkansas Research Alliance, tells the 15-year ARA story of strategic influence on the state’s competitive position in the knowledge economy and its return-on-investment (ROI) in scientific and engineering research leadership and productivity.

The report finds that since its creation in 2008, ARA has invested $8.3 million to help attract, retain, and energize 39 top tier researchers, collectively known as the ARA Academy. Their research has contributed $1.3 billion in total economic impact to the state, secured $205 million in new research funding, and produced 350 high-quality jobs averaging more than $80,000 in annual compensation.

Additionally, ARA investments have generated $26.1 million in state tax revenues—a better than 3-to-1 return on the state’s investments in ARA to date. ARA Academy researchers have leveraged their ARA funding nearly 25 times—each dollar of ARA investment has supported $24.75 in total research funding.

“What Arkansas receives from enabling research far outweighs the cost of investment,” said Bryan J. Barnhouse, ARA President & CEO. To report a return of over one billion dollars shows that the ARA formula works and that ARA is a proven economic development model that can scale with more funding.”

ARA was formed in 2008 as a public-private economic development organization to meet new competitive challenges by leveraging the potential of university research. ARA is a strategic partnership between academia, business, and government and represents six research institutions – University of Arkansas, Arkansas State University, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, UA Little Rock, and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. The sixth institution is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s National Center for Toxicological Research – the state’s largest national laboratory. The chancellors for each of the five academic institutions along with 20 business leaders from some of Arkansas’ most innovative companies sit on the ARA Board of Trustees.

ARA accomplishes its impact with a relatively modest annual budget totaling $1.9 million. Two-thirds of its funding is provided by the state through Arkansas Economic Development Commission, 28% through its Board of Trustees, and 5% through federal funds.

As Arkansas continues to shape its role as the state of innovation, ARA has evolved. New initiatives have created the Arkansas Core Facilities Exchange – an online resource showcasing over 350 research assets, including scientific equipment and expertise available for use and collaboration – and Impact Grants, a program that provides “finish line funding” for projects on the cusp of commercialization or larger extramural grants.

“We continually ask ourselves; how do we provide more value to the research community? How can we provide more value to Arkansas? In a way, ARA is an experiment that keeps discovering new ways to benefit us all,” said Mr. Barnhouse.

To receive your own digital copy of the report, visit



About Arkansas Research Alliance

 Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance is dedicated to elevating a fundamental belief: Research Matters. Operating as a public-private partnership, ARA invests in research that stimulates innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.

About TEConomy Partners

TEConomy Partners is a global leader in research, analysis, and strategy for innovation-driven economic development. Today we’re helping nations, states, regions, universities, institutions, and industries blueprint their future and translate knowledge into prosperity.



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Tracy Rosser Joins ARA Board of Trustees

                                                                                                                     For More Information:

                                                                                                             Jeremy Harper, 501-747-3973

                                                                                                            [email protected]


 ARA welcomes Transplace VP to its Board

 Conway, AR, June 15, 2020 – The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) announced today that Tracy Rosser, Executive Vice President of Operations, Transplace Inc., has joined the ARA Board of Trustees. Mr. Rosser, who holds a bachelors degree in Business from the University of Alabama and an MBA from Tulane Univesity, begins his service to science and discovery immediately.

“Our Board of Trustees is the leadership foundation upon which we have built a strong and effective Arkansas Research Alliance,” says ARA President and CEO Jerry Adams. “We’re honored to have Tracy at our table working to elevate research in Arkansas.

“It’s very much an honor and privilege to work with such a talented board on such a great mission,” said Mr. Rosser. “I look forward to playing a role in furthering economic opportunity for Arkansas through advancing research and technology.”

Mr. Rosser, who has 25 years of senior-level supply chain experience, joined Transplace in 2019, where he is responsible for transportation management operations. Previously, Mr. Rosser  served as senior vice president of transportation and supply chain for Walmart. Prior to Walmart, he spent nine years in the truckload transportation industry holding positions in sales, marketing, and operations.

The ARA Board of Trustees is comprised of Arkansas business leaders and the chancellor from each of the state’s five major research universities. Arkansas Research Alliance supports groundbreaking research that improves the quality of life for people worldwide, including recent advancements in countering the COVID-19 pandemic.


About Arkansas Research Alliance

Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance is dedicated to elevating a fundamental belief: Research Matters. Operating as a public-private partnership, ARA invests in research that stimulates innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.





The Takeaways

  • Arkansas Research Alliance announces a new Board of Trustees member
  • Tracy Rosser, Executive Vice President of Operations, Transplace
  • The Arkansas Research Alliance Board of Trustees is comprised of many of the state’s high-profile corporate leaders and the chancellor from each of the state’s top research universities
  • Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance elevates the role of research in Arkansas and its impact on the state’s economy
  • Arkansas Research Alliance is led by former Acxiom executive Jerry Adams
  • The ARA Board of Trustees is comprised of leaders from Arkansas’ business and academic communities:


Sonja Yates Hubbard (Chairperson), Principal, The Yates Group

Robert Shoptaw (Treasurer), Retired CEO, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield

Dr. Laurence Alexander, Chancellor, UA at Pine Bluff

Dr. Kelly Damphousse, Chancellor, Arkansas State University

Dr. Christina Drale, Chancellor (Interim), UA Little Rock

Dr. Cam Patterson, Chancellor, UAMS

Dr. Joseph Steinmetz, Chancellor, University of Arkansas

Ritter Arnold, Executive VP External Affairs, E. Ritter & Co.

Daryl Brown, Executive Director, MISO

Andrew Clyde, President & CEO, Murphy USA Inc.

Ronnie Dedman, President, AT&T Arkansas

Jerry Jones, EVP and Chief Ethics and Legal Officer, LiveRamp

Laura R. Landreaux, President & CEO, Entergy Arkansas, Inc.

Gaylon Lawrence, The Lawrence Group

Drew May, Chief Client Officer, Acxiom

Tommy May, Chairman & CEO, Simmons First Foundation

Charles Nabholz, Chairman Emeritus, The Nabholz Group

David Peacock, President, Hytrol Conveyor Co.

Tracy Rosser, Executive Vice President of Operations, Transplace, Inc.

Reynie Rutledge, President, First Security Bank

Dan Williams, Retired CEO, Garver

Michelle Wolfe, VP of Human Services, Walmart









### June 15

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COSMOS and Arkansas Partner to Counter Plague of COVID-19 Misinformation

                                                                                                                    For More Information:

                                                                                                                Jeremy Harper, 501-747-3973

                                                                                                            [email protected]


COSMOS and Arkansas Partner to Counter Plague of COVID-19 Misinformation

ARA Fellow Dr. Nitin Agarwal Puts Science on the Frontlines


Little Rock, AR, April, 2020 – Anyone monitoring the nation’s daily COVID-19 updates know just how deadly the virus is and how rapidly it spreads. However, another dangerous contagion is infecting communities worldwide right alongside COVID-19, and it’s even more difficult to contain.

“We call it an ‘infodemic’ which is in many ways more dangerous than COVID-19,” explains Dr. Nitin Agarwal, Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) Fellow and Distinguished Professor of Information Science at UA Little Rock. “The cases of misinformation about the virus are rising exponentially from the dark corners of the web.”

Dr. Agarwal is Director of The Collaboratorium for Social Media and Online Behavioral Studies, or COSMOS. He and his team of cosmographers study social media and online behavior to combat threats to social good, ranging from safeguarding elections to countering terrorism. The work of COSMOS is now being used to put down this current threat of harmful misinformation regarding the pandemic.

The range of misinformation is expansive. “Fake cures. Medical equipment scams. Anti-foreign sentiment. Basically, anything designed to sow division and unravel the fabric of our society,” says Dr. Agarwal. “This environment of high-anxiety makes it easy for us to fall prey to fake news.”

COSMOS is partnering with the Arkansas Office of the Attorney General to develop a website that can help people identify, understand, and even report fake news regarding COVID-19. The technology is supported by the work COSMOS has completed for agencies like the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, DARPA, and the National Science Foundation among many others. Still, the new website requires new methodology to combat the problem at hand.

“We’re working night and day because we really wanted to do something to help Arkansas,” says Dr. Agarwal. “The Arkansas Research Alliance helped put us in touch with the Attorney General, and now we believe this can be a resource used nationally, or even globally.”

Dr. Agarwal also credits the ARA Fellows grant with helping him fund projects dealing with unexpected events like COVID-19.

“We’re working with the Arkansas Attorney General on a volunteer basis,” says Dr. Agarwal. “The ARA funds made that possible.”

The website,, is an essential tool to countering the spread of misinformation, which too often takes fraudulent advantage the anxiety associated with the virus. “This pandemic has created an unprecedented  level of uncertainty and I will not tolerate bad actors seeking to leverage this crisis to fill their pocketbooks,” said Attorney General Rutledge. “The goal with this partnership is to make sure we are quickly identifying fake websites that are spreading misinformation with the purpose of stealing from Arkansans.”

Dr. Agarwal wants to remind people that news spreads fast online – the weirder the faster. “The only way to expose these dark characters on the web is to shine a light on them. Our mission is to shine that light.”



About Arkansas Research Alliance

 Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance is dedicated to elevating a fundamental belief: Research Matters. Operating as a public-private partnership, ARA invests in research that stimulates innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.



The Takeaways

  • COSMOS of UA Little Rock and the Arkansas Office of the Attorney General have launched a new website,, an essential tool to countering the spread of misinformation surrounding COVID-19
  • Nitin Agarwal, ARA Fellow and Maulden-Entergy Chair and Distinguished Professor of Information Science at UA Little Rock, is the director of COSMOS, The Collaboratorium for Social Media and Online Behavioral Studies
  • COSMOS studies online and social media behaviors to help combat threats like terrorism, election fraud, viral spreads, crime, and more.
  • COSMOS and the Arkansas Office of the Attorney General is teaming up to combat the harmful misinformation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The website identifies misinformation placed on popular web platforms, provides tips for recognizing fake news, and enables users to report misinformation to authorities.
  • The website is available to the public NOW
  • Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance elevates the role of research in Arkansas and its impact on the state’s economy.
  • Arkansas Research Alliance is led by former Acxiom executive Jerry Adams.


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Arkansas Research Alliance Names Daryl Brown to Board of Trustees

        For More Information:

                                                                                                             Jeremy Harper, 501-747-3973

                                                                                                            [email protected]


Arkansas Research Alliance Names Daryl Brown to Board of Trustees

ARA welcomes MISO Executive Director to the Board

Conway, AR, April 3, 2020 – The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) announced today that Daryl Brown, Executive Director, External Affairs South Region at Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), has joined the ARA Board of Trustees. Mr. Brown, a graduate of Mississippi State University and a 17-year veteran of the Army National Guard and Army Reserve, begins his service immediately.

“With a consistent history of support for ARA, MISO has shown just how committed the company is to making research a priority in Arkansas,” says ARA President and CEO Jerry Adams. Brown replaces outgoing MISO Board Member Todd Hillman.

“I am honored to join my esteemed colleagues on the Arkansas Research Alliance board of trustees,” says Mr. Brown. “With a background in innovation, I passionately support the organization’s fundamental belief that research matters. I look forward to working with ARA.”

The ARA Board of Trustees is comprised of Arkansas business leaders and the chancellor from each of the state’s five major research universities. Mr. Brown is a recent addition to MISO’s executive team. Previously, Brown was the director of innovation for both Current powered by GE and Hitachi Social Innovation Business. In addition, he has more than 20 years of experience as an executive at Southern Company.



 About Arkansas Research Alliance

Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance is dedicated to elevating a fundamental belief: Research Matters. Operating as a public-private partnership, ARA invests in research that stimulates innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.


The Takeaways

  • Arkansas Research Alliance announces a new Board of Trustees member
  • Executive Director, External Affairs South Region at Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
  • The Arkansas Research Alliance Board of Trustees is comprised of many of the state’s high-profile corporate leaders and the chancellor from each of the state’s top research universities
  • Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance elevates the role of research in Arkansas and its impact on the state’s economy
  • Arkansas Research Alliance is led by former Acxiom executive Jerry Adams
  • The ARA Board of Trustees is comprised of 20 leaders from Arkansas’ business and academic communities:

Sonja Yates Hubbard (Chairperson), Principal, The Yates Group

Robert Shoptaw (Treasurer), Retired CEO, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield

Dr. Laurence Alexander, Chancellor, UA at Pine Bluff

Dr. Kelly Damphousse, Chancellor, Arkansas State University

Dr. Christina Drale, Chancellor (Interim), UA Little Rock

Dr. Cam Patterson, Chancellor, UAMS

Dr. Joseph Steinmetz, Chancellor, University of Arkansas

Ritter Arnold, Executive VP External Affairs, E. Ritter & Co.

Daryl Brown, Executive Director, MISO

Andrew Clyde, President & CEO, Murphy USA Inc.

Ronnie Dedman, President, AT&T Arkansas

Laura R. Landreaux, President & CEO, Entergy Arkansas, Inc.

Gaylon Lawrence, The Lawrence Group

Drew May, Chief Client Officer, Acxiom

Tommy May, Chairman & CEO, Simmons First Foundation

Charles Nabholz, Chairman Emeritus, The Nabholz Group

David Peacock, President, Hytrol Conveyor Co.

Reynie Rutledge, President, First Security Bank

Dan Williams, Retired CEO, Garver

Michelle Wolfe, VP of Human Services, Walmart


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Arkansas Research Alliance Names Drew May to Board of Trustees

Conway, AR, September 5, 2019 – The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) announced today that Drew May, SVP and Chief Client Officer at Acxiom, has joined its Board of Trustees. Mr. May, a resident of Conway, Arkansas, and a graduate from the University of Central Arkansas, begins his service immediately.

“ARA has had an exceptional board from our inception 11 years ago,” says ARA President and CEO Jerry Adams. “The addition of Drew May continues the long line of successful strategic business leaders that have committed to ARA.”

The ARA Board of Trustees is comprised of Arkansas business leaders and the chancellor from each of the state’s five major research universities. Mr. May has provided more that 25 years of service to Acxiom, the Arkansas-founded data management company renowned for digital innovation. In addition to ARA, Mr. May is an executive board member to MarketingEDGE, a leading marketing association that aims to foster the next generation of great marketers, and Holy Sews, a non-profit ministry.

“I am thrilled to represent Acxiom and join the ARA board to support the great work being driven by Jerry Adams and the Arkansas Research Alliance,” announced Mr. May. “Innovation is grounded in research, and our state continues to break new ground in so many exciting areas.”

The ARA Board of Trustees meets three times a year, with its next meeting scheduled for December.


For More Information:

Jeremy Harper, 501-747-3973



The Takeaways

  • Arkansas Research Alliance announces a new Board of Trustees member
  • The new board member is Drew May, SVP and Chief Client Officer for Acxiom
  • The Arkansas Research Alliance Board of Trustees is comprised of many of the state’s high-profile corporate leaders and the chancellor from each of the state’s top research universities
  • Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance elevates the role of research in Arkansas and its impact on the state’s economy
  • Arkansas Research Alliance is led by former Acxiom executive Jerry Adams

The ARA Board of Trustees is comprised of 20 leaders from Arkansas’ business and academic communities:

  • Sonja Yates Hubbard (Chairperson), Principal, The Yates Group
  • Robert Shoptaw (Treasurer), Retired CEO, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield Dr. Laurence Alexander, Chancellor, UA at Pine Bluff
  • Dr. Kelly Damphousse, Chancellor, Arkansas State University
  • Dr. Christina Drale, Chancellor (Interim), UA Little Rock
  • Dr. Cam Patterson, Chancellor, UAMS
  • Dr. Joseph Steinmetz, Chancellor, University of Arkansas
  • Ritter Arnold, Executive VP External Affairs, E. Ritter & Co.
  • Andrew Clyde, President & CEO, Murphy USA Inc.
  • Ronnie Dedman, President, AT&T ArkansasTodd Hillman, Executive Director, MISO
  • Laura R. Landreaux, President & CEO, Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Gaylon Lawrence, The Lawrence Group
  • Drew May, Chief Client Officer, Acxiom
  • Tommy May, Chairman & CEO, Simmons First Foundation
  • Charles Nabholz, Chairman Emeritus, The Nabholz Group
  • David Peacock, President, Hytrol Conveyor Co.
  • Reynie Rutledge, President, First Security Bank
  • Dan Williams, CEO, Garver
  • Michelle Wolfe, VP of Human Services, Walmart
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Arkansas Research Alliance Announces New ARA Academy Director

LITTLE ROCK, AR, July 15, 2019 – The Arkansas Research Alliance announced that Douglas Hutchings has joined ARA as Director of the ARA Academy of Scholars & Fellows effective July 1. Hutchings is a well-known and respected innovator, entrepreneur and collaborative research leader with extensive experience launching start-up companies. Hutchings was also a founding board member of the Arkansas Advanced Energy Association.

“The growth and maturity of the ARA Academy made it clear that someone of Douglas’ talent and experience was needed to accelerate the impact of the Academy,” said Jerry Adams, President and CEO of ARA.  ‘I have known Douglas for many years, and I am very excited with his addition to the ARA team – he will make an immediate and long-term difference in ARA’s ability to leverage university research to improve the economic future of Arkansas and our nation.”

The ARA Academy was founded in 2016 and is comprised of ARA Fellows and Scholars from the state’s five major research universities (University of Arkansas, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas State University, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff), plus the U.S. FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR). Since its inception, the ARA Academy has expanded to nearly 30 members, bringing together many of the state’s top researchers for collaboration and idea-sharing.


About Arkansas Research Alliance

Founded in 2008, ARA is a 501(c)3 organization governed by a board of trustees comprised of chancellors from Arkansas research universities and chief executives from companies across the state. The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) is dedicated to elevating the fundamental belief that research matters.  Operating as a public-private partnership, ARA invests in research that stimulates innovation, encourages collaboration and strengthens economic opportunity in areas in which Arkansas possesses core competency.



ARA Announces Hucthings press release

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Arkansas Research Alliance announces new Board of Trustees members



Conway, AR, November 6, 2018 – The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) announced today the addition of four new Board of Trustees members: Ronnie Dedman, President, AT&T Arkansas; David Peacock, President, Hytrol Conveyor Co.; Laura R. Landreaux, President & CEO, Entergy Arkansas, Inc.; and Cam Patterson, Chancellor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

“In my opinion, we have one of the best boards in the state,” says ARA President and CEO Jerry Adams. “The new members bring an incredibly wide range of perspective to the table, and we’re proud to have them help guide ARA.”

The ARA Board of Trustees is comprised of Arkansas business leaders and the chancellor from each of the state’s five major research universities. The new members represent high-profile state organizations across Arkansas, continuing a precedent that began with ARA’s founding in 2008.

“The board was created to drive the strategic role of research in the economic future of Arkansas,” explains Bryan Barnhouse, ARA Chief Operating Officer. “Each member is truly excited about elevating the role of research in Arkansas.”

The ARA Board of Trustees meets three times a year, with its next meeting scheduled for December.

About the New Members

Ronnie Dedman (President, AT&T Arkansas) is a graduate of Arkansas State University and a 41-year veteran of AT&T. In 2018, he was named President of AT&T Arkansas. The position enables Mr. Dedman to promote growth and development of AT&T business interests for the benefit of the communities and customers it serves through legislative, business and community affairs.


David Peacock (President of Hytrol Conveyor Company) began his career at Hytrol as the Executive Vice President in 2014 and assumed the Hytrol presidency in 2015. Mr. Peacock has led the company to back-to-back record years while implementing strategies to move Hytrol into the future. Before joining Hytrol, he spent 18 years in manufacturing management positions. Prior to serving at Hytrol, he was Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer of Kalmar RT Center in Cibolo, Texas.

Laura R. Landreaux (President and CEO of Entergy Arkansas) joined Entergy in 2007 and is a graduate of the University of Arkansas. Before assuming the leadership role in 2018, she served Entergy Arkansas as finance director. Prior to joining Entergy, Ms. Landreaux was an attorney for Salt River Project in Phoenix, Arizona. She is a Founding Member of Arkansas Women in Power and is a member of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Women’s Auxiliary.

Dr. Cam Patterson (Chancellor, UAMS) leads Arkansas’ only academic health sciences center, which encompasses patient care, education, research and outreach resources at locations across the state. Just prior to assuming the leadership role at UAMS, Dr. Patterson joined New York-Presbyterian Hospital as the Chief Operating Officer of Weill-Cornell Medical Center. He attended Emory University School of Medicine and became the Chief Resident at Grady Memorial Hospital at Emory University in 1992.

About Arkansas Research Alliance

 Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance is dedicated to elevating a fundamental belief: Research Matters. Operating as a public-private partnership, ARA invests in research that stimulates innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.


The Takeaways

  • Arkansas Research Alliance announces four new Board of Trustees members
  • The new board members are: Ronnie Dedman, President, AT&T Arkansas; David Peacock, President, Hytrol Conveyor Co.; Laura R. Landreaux, President & CEO, Entergy Arkansas, Inc.; and Cam Patterson, Chancellor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • The Arkansas Research Alliance Board of Trustees is comprised of many of the state’s high-profile corporate leaders and the chancellor from each of the state’s top research universities
  • Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance elevates the role of research in Arkansas and its impact on the state’s economy
  • Arkansas Research Alliance is led by former Acxiom executive Jerry Adams
  • The ARA Board of Trustees is comprised of 22 leader members from Arkansas’ business and academic communities:

Sonja Yates Hubbard (Chairperson), Principal, The Yates Group

Robert Shoptaw (Treasurer), Retired CEO, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield

Dr. Laurence Alexander, Chancellor, UA at Pine Bluff

Dr. Kelly Damphousse, Chancellor, Arkansas State University

Dr. Cam Patterson, Chancellor, UAMS

Dr. Andrew Rogerson, Chancellor, UA Little Rock

Dr. Joseph Steinmetz, Chancellor, University of Arkansas

Ritter Arnold, Executive VP External Affairs, E. Ritter & Co.

Andrew Clyde, President & CEO, Murphy USA Inc.

Ronnie Dedman, President, AT&T Arkansas

Kent Fonvielle, Executive Director, MISO

Jerry Jones, EVP and Chief Ethics Officer, Acxiom

Laura R. Landreaux, President & CEO, Entergy Arkansas, Inc.

Gaylon Lawrence, The Lawrence Group

Alex Lostetter, Vice President, Cree

Tommy May, Chairman & CEO, Simmons First Foundation

Charles Nabholz, Chairman Emeritus, The Nabholz Group

David Peacock, President, Hytrol Conveyor Co.

John Roberts, President & CEO, J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.

Reynie Rutledge, President, First Security Bank

Dan Williams, CEO, Garver

Michelle Wolfe, VP of Human Services, Walmart

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Arkansas Research Alliance names Barnhouse COO

Conway, AR, August 1, 2018 – The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) announced today that Bryan Barnhouse will assume the role of Chief Operating Officer. Formerly the organization’s vice president, Barnhouse’s tenure has helped ARA see growth and influence in the state.

“Bryan has done a great job for us,” says ARA President and CEO Jerry Adams. “To elevate him to this position is just the natural next step.”

Before joining ARA, Barnhouse served as the Director of Economic Development for Jefferson County, AR. His collaborations with Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC) and his close relationship with the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) have allowed ARA to bring even stronger unity between the state’s research campuses, government and business.

“I love what we’re accomplishing at ARA,” says Barnhouse, who joined ARA in 2016. “The science and research community in Arkansas has never been stronger. Or more exciting!”

In recent years, ARA has moved forward with a number of initiatives to increase the value and visibility of science in Arkansas, including starting a Fellows Program in 2015, hosting the annual Arkansas Bioinformatics Consortium, and founding The ARA Academy of Scholars and Fellows, a unique fellowship of the state’s brightest researchers from Arkansas’ five research campuses, plus NCTR.

About Arkansas Research Alliance

Founded in 2008, Arkansas Research Alliance is dedicated to elevating a fundamental belief: Research Matters. Operating as a public-private partnership, ARA invests in research that stimulates innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.

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Arkansas Business: “Governor, ARA Name 5 New Research Fellows”

“The fellows program recognizes research talent at UA, UAMS, Arkansas State University, UA Little Rock and UAPB. Thursday’s announcement brings the number of ARA Fellows to 14.

ARA’s goal is to attract and retain world-class researchers and support research that fuels innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.”

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KUAR: “Arkansas Research Alliance, Governor Recognize Five Scientists For Excellence”

“The ARA Fellows program supports distinguished researchers already working at one of the five research universities in the state, including Arkansas State University, University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.”

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Talk Business and Politics: “Gov. Hutchinson, Arkansas Research Alliance announce five ‘fellows’ for scientific research program”

“The announcement brings the ARA Academy of Scholars and Fellows to 23 researchers across the state who will specifically support university study that fuels innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.

Gov. Hutchinson told a roomful of business leaders and university officials that the new research fellows will be an incredible asset to the state in the area of scientific research and progress.”

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Fox 16: “5 New Arkansas Research Alliance Fellows Announced”

“Governor Asa Hutchinson joined the Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) today at the State Capitol building to announce five new ARA Fellows. The ARA Fellows awards are part of ARA’s continued investments in attracting and retaining world-class researchers to the state, specifically supporting research that fuels innovation, encourages collaboration, and strengthens economic opportunity.”

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ArkansasOnline: “5 Arkansas researchers to receive $75,000 grants from alliance”

“The [Arkansas Research Alliance] is a public-private partnership that says it invests in and concentrates on research that stimulates innovation, encourages collaboration and strengthens opportunity.

‘This is a good example of the private sector partnering with the state to enhance research in this state with our higher education institutions that are working together,’ Gov. Asa Hutchinson said at news conference in the governor’s conference room.”

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Watch Asa Hutchinson and AR Alliance Announce 2017 Research Fellows

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson joins the Arkansas Research Alliance in announcing five new research fellows. “Arkansas Research Alliance continues to serve the state well with its commitment to economic prosperity through science and technology based jobs,” he says.

Watch the full announcement on YouTube

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September 8, 2016

Arkansas Research Alliance Sees Growth ARA Scholars and Fellows Programs

Governor Asa Hutchinson joined the Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) today at the State Capitol building to announce two new ARA Scholars and two new ARA Fellows. And, in a first in the organization’s history, ARA awarded two of its fellowships to researchers from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) in Jefferson, Ark. Both ARA Scholars are on staff at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).

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June 17, 2016

Bryan Barnhouse Joins Arkansas Research Alliance

Bryan Barnhouse recently joined Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) as vice president. Barnhouse will be based in Little Rock and will initially focus on the growing partnership between ARA and the federal laboratory, the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) at Jefferson, Arkansas. He will also be actively involved with other ARA programs like the ARA Scholars and the ARA Fellows programs.

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February 1, 2016

E-Z Mart CEO Sonja Hubbard to Lead Arkansas Research Alliance Board

Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA), an organization focused on strengthening economic opportunity in Arkansas by investing in university-based research, announced the appointment of Sonja Hubbard, CEO of E-Z Mart Stores Inc., as chairman of its board of trustees. Founded in Nashville, Ark., E-Z Mart is one of the largest, privately held convenience store chains in America. Hubbard, who has been involved with ARA since 2011, will provide leadership to the 22-member board made up of 17 Arkansas business executives and chancellors of the state’s five research universities.

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December 10, 2015

Arkansas Research Alliance Expands Fellows Program

Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) announced five new ARA Fellows today during a press conference at the State Capitol building. In its second year, the Fellows program recognizes distinguished university research leaders who are already working in Arkansas at one of the state’s five research universities: Arkansas State University (A-State), University of Arkansas (UA), University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), and University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB). Fellows are nominated by the chancellor of their affiliated university and receive a $75,000 grant paid over three years.

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