ARA Impact Grants

Arkansas Research Alliance

Impact GrantS 3.0

Funding Opportunity Announcement


At the Request from Campuses, We Have Extended the Deadline to January 17


The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) issues this request for proposals (RFP) for the ARA Impact Grant Program 3.0. This funding opportunity will award competitive grants up to $75,000 for 12-month scientific and engineering research projects that involve universities and industries in Arkansas and that support one or more of the seven growth opportunity areas profiled in ARA’s report, Enabling an Innovation-Led Future for Arkansas: University Research Competencies Aligned with Innovation Growth Opportunities (August 2024). The growth opportunity areas include:

  • Population Health Innovations & Clinical Research
  • Power Electronics, Advanced Packaging, & Grid Management Systems
  • Next Generation Transportation & Logistics Systems
  • Materials Engineering Applications
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Food Production & Integrative Health
  • Supply Chain, Retail, & Consumer Analytics.

These seven areas represent key opportunities where Arkansas is uniquely positioned to lead in innovation-driven market growth, supporting the state’s established industries while advancing emerging sectors critical to the future economy.

The growth opportunities are largely informed and supported by six broad-based, cross-cutting research themes where Arkansas has demonstrated a critical mass of excellence in core competencies. Critical mass is defined in the report as leading performance on key indicators of academic research activity and investment and presence of supporting assets. These research capabilities can be summarized as:

  • Data Science and Machine Learning Applications
  • Cyber-Physical Systems and Security
  • Electrical and Industrial Engineering
  • Materials Sciences
  • Clinical and Translational Research.

Note that cross-cutting research competencies (e.g., data science) are eligible for funding and should include a narrative on how they intersect with a listed growth opportunity area.

This economic development program aims to amplify the impact of Arkansas’ research capabilities by addressing the evolving innovation needs of in-state industries. The awarded grants will empower scientific discovery, drive engineering advancements, and promote translational research that directly contributes to industry-focused solutions and applications.

Industry Engagement

ARA Impact Grants 3.0 awards are intended to fund projects that support and entail industry engagement. Projects should conduct commercially-oriented or market-driven proof-of-concept activities, prototype development, or data generation specifically requested by a prospective investor or industry licensee/research sponsor or partner. Additionally, they should include “reduction to practice” or “use-inspired” efforts to transition novel ideas into testable prototypes or demonstration projects ideally focused on customer- and/or industry partner-identified problems. Projects should be developed with an eye toward or an intent to pursue future extramural funding that will accelerate progress toward larger research grants and/or foster deeper collaboration and partnership with industry.

Period of Performance

The program will invest in 12-month projects with a target start date of 01/27/2025 and end date of 01/26/2026.

Funding Structure: Award Amount, Matching Requirements, and Indirect Cost Policy

  • Impact Grants 3.0 are capped at a total project cost of $75,000.
  • There is a match requirement of 20% of total project cost.
  • For example, a $75,000 project budget would receive $60,000 from ARA and include a match of $15,000.
  • The match can be provided by the host institution, an Arkansas-based private sector partner, or a combination of both. Preference will be given to projects with some level of match from industry.
  • Matching over 20% is allowed and the additional match can cause the total project cost to exceed the project cap of $75,000 with prior approval from both ARA and the host institution.
  • These grants are for one year and no indirect costs are allowed.


Historically, this program has been available only to ARA Academy members. For the first time, this program is available to any investigator at an ARA-partner institution, including:

  • Arkansas State University (Jonesboro)
  • University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
  • University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.

Projects may include investigators from any Arkansas institution. However, the lead PI must be from one of the above-listed institutions. No out-of-state investigators will be supported. Where appropriate, projects are encouraged to include representatives, services, and/or instrumentation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR). Federal employees may not receive direct funding.

Submittal Process and Due Date

Interested investigators at ARA-partner institutions may review the guidelines in this request for proposals (RFP) and submit the required proposal through their office of research and sponsored programs to Douglas Hutchings via e-mail ([email protected]) no later than 11:59 p.m. Central Time on December 20th, 2024.

Initial Proposal Acceptance Criteria

All proposals must be submitted to ARA by the cognizant Chief Research Officer of the campus(es) and with acknowledgement that the proposed work meets the following:

  • The proposal clearly addresses the intended purpose of the grant program.
  • The proposed actions are feasible within 12 months and within the budget specified.
  • The entity, or entities, that will provide the cash match are identified. Note that preference will be given to projects with some level of match from industry.
  • The activities described are within the qualifications and capabilities of the organization(s) and individuals (PI/Co-PIs) involved. Projects involving more than one Arkansas institution are encouraged where appropriate.
  • There is demonstrated industry commitment for follow-on engagement beyond the award period and the proposed work is relevant to industry needs.
  • The applicant has discussed the treatment of any resulting intellectual property (IP) with relevant campus resources.

 Submissions can include the statement: “To the best of my knowledge, the attached proposal meets the acceptance criteria as outlined in the RFP.”

 ARA Scoring Factors

The primary intent of ARA Impact Grants 3.0 is for the funded projects to have very specific impacts and defined outcomes. Approved grants will be selected based strictly on written proposals. For each individual outcome performance measure, the proposal must specify:

  1. Who is the investigator that will complete the targeted outcome(s) and identify the Arkansas company with which this collaboration is targeted?
  2. What is the expected outcome(s) (specify/quantify how much, meaning an indication of the size, extent, or number of what is to be achieved)?
  3. When will the output(s) or outcome(s) be achieved (must be within one year)
  4. How will it be known or demonstrated that the output(s) or outcome(s) was achieved?

An external review committee will provide recommendations to ARA for funding allocations. Questions provided to the committee will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • To what extent are the proposal and associated project outcomes clearly described and support one or more of the seven growth opportunity areas?
    • Has the proposer identified one, or more, of the seven growth areas?
    • Are the targeted outcomes relevant to an industry partner in the growth area identified?
  • To what extent does the budget and timeline align with project goals and a 12-month award period?
    • Can the project be completed in 12 months?
    • Are budget requests in-line with the stated goals?
    • For any equipment requests, has the applicant addressed item 8c (below)?
  • To what extent is the outcome of a successfully completed project aggressive but achievable?
    • How has the proposer defined success for the proposed work?
    • Assuming project success, what is the potential impact on the commercial partner?
  • To what extent does the applicant discuss future impacts of the proposed work?
    • Has the applicant identified and discussed next steps for beyond the award period?
    • Does the industry partner provide an indication of engagement beyond the defined project?

Proposal Instructions

ARA Academy applicants are asked to prepare a proposal that addresses each of the following sections/headings:

  1. Short Title
  2. Key Partners: Name any research institutions and private sector partners involved.
  3. Problem/Opportunity Statement: Clearly define in laymen’s terms.
  4. Approach: Describe the project and/or actions that will be taken to overcome and/or address the problem/opportunity.
  5. Team Composition: Describe the roles and responsibilities of each project team member.
  6. Expected Outcome(s) and Impact of the Results: Define and quantify the outcome(s) and the anticipated impact that will result from the proposed approach.
  7. Industry Engagement: Identify the private sector/industry partner/customer/investor.
    • A letter of collaboration from industry is required.
    • A discussion of plans to advance the work beyond the proposed project along with resources available is required. Please identify potential future extramural funding source/program, estimated award amount, and project length.
  8. Budget: Applicants are required to use the ARA Budget Template and Guidance document to provide a budget that addresses how the funds will be utilized, including:
    1. Personnel (e.g., salary including academic year course release[i], benefits, honorarium, other); All personnel must be in place within 30-days of the start of the award
    2. Direct Expenses (e.g., travel, meetings/events, fees, printing/publications, supplies, other)
    3. Equipment: if special instrumentation or equipment is needed for the project, please check the Arkansas Core Facilities Exchange for opportunities to leverage existing assets. ARA can help facilitate access where needed. If the equipment is not already present or if it is unavailable in the state, provide a justification for the need and plans for the equipment post-award.
    4. Subawards (e.g. consultants)
    5. In-kind services, if applicable. These types of services/funds are not required and do not count toward the matching requirements.


Proposal Length:                 3 pages, not including the cover letter, any supplementary documents (references, letters from collaborators/partners, etc.), and the budget. The 3-page document should be single spaced with a line space between section headings and cover sections 1-7 described above. Please include a single-page cover letter to provide information such as the project title, the proposer organization, the private sector partner, the technical point of contact, the administrative point of contact, the principal investigator, the name of the grant and the topical area of the proposal.

Proposal Format:              Aptos, 12 pt. Font; 1” left, right, top and bottom margins or equivalent to ensure no more than six lines of text within a vertical space of one inch.

Budget:                               Use the ARA  Impact Grant Budget Template.

Submission Format:      Save and send as a PDF document (e-mail attachment).

Submission Protocol:   Proposals must be reviewed and approved by the PI’s host university’s chief research officer and processed through the host university’s office of research and sponsored programs.

Submit Proposal to:       Douglas Hutchings, Academy Director, ARA

                                                                        E-mail: [email protected]

Submission Deadline: 11:59 p.m. Central Time, December 20th, 2024.


November 1, 2024              Issue RFP announcement electronically

November 6, 2024              Informational Webinar – Purpose, Process, and Q&A

December 20, 2024           Applications due to ARA

January 17, 2024.              Application due to ARA

February 7, 2025                  Evaluation by external review completed

February 14, 2025                  Award letters issued and transfer of funds; period of performance starts with date on award letter

April 1, 2026                         End of period of performance

May 1, 2026                             Final Report due to ARA


Approved grantees will be issued an award letter that will need to be signed by the PI, any Co-PIs, and the appropriate authorizing individual from the PI’s University and returned to ARA. This fully executed letter will constitute the official Award Agreement. Upon receipt of fully executed letter, ARA will transfer funds to the University Vice Chancellor or Vice Provost of Research (or other authorized/designated office) of the Lead PI for distribution to the Project Team as designated in the grant proposal. No indirect expenses from the PI’s (grantee’s) or Co-PI’s university will be allowed.


Dissemination of Award Results

ARA Impact Grants 3.0 are expressly designed to generate meaningful outcomes for awardees. To encourage meaningful dissemination of project results, awardees are required to 1) present their study results to a stakeholder group and 2) develop an infographic in lay language that will be shared with lay audiences and community stakeholders. ARA will work with all awardees to ensure access to appropriate tools and venues based on their individual project objectives.



Proposals must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate university administrator and processed through the university office of research and sponsored programs. Once selected, grantees will work directly with ARA, the grant administrator. Funds are planned to be available to successful grantees in February 2025. ARA will arrange periodic, in-person, status updates with the Lead PI. A comprehensive, Final Report will be due 30 days after the end of the established period of performance; it must include a specific statement relative to milestones and impact of the funded project; and, must be submitted directly to [email protected]  (following formatting guidelines/instructions for proposals on pages 3 and 4).


Number and Amount of Awards

Estimated program budget, number of awards, and average award size are subject to the availability of funds and quality of proposals received. All funding decisions are at the sole discretion of the Arkansas Research Alliance.



If the project cannot continue for any reason, as determined by ARA, the grant will terminate. For example, if the principal investigator leaves the member institution during the grant period, the grant will terminate. The university will return any unspent portion of ARA funds to ARA.



Questions regarding the ARA Impact Grants proposal process and/or guidelines should be directed to Douglas Hutchings via e-mail [email protected] or by telephone (501)-339-1110.  To be subscribed to updates about the program and responses to questions, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Impact Grants 3.0 Updates”

[i] Funds cannot be a direct salary supplement to any investigator above their current salary amount. Salary coverage may buy time from teaching a course to spend time on the ARA Impact Grant 3.0 project and allow the university to hire or support an adjunct to teach the course “given up” by the investigator.

If you would like to contact this core facility, please fill out the "Facility Contact Form" on the right of this page. This contact method helps ARA measure the success of the CFE in connecting potential collaborators and will flow directly to the core director’s email inbox.